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With or Without the Shell?

With or Without the Shell?

With or Without the Shell?

We love our European pumpkin seeds that are born without a shell which makes them a perfect crunchy snack out of the bag or sprinkled on just about anything for an easy nutritional boost. One of mother nature's Superfoods that we offer Raw or dry roasted with simple ingredients. Seedz your day with 8 grams of protein 15% of your daily zinc and iron and 40% of your daily magnesium which is needed for over 300 bodily functions. 

Are unshelled pumpkin seeds healthy?
Pumpkin seeds are quite good for you with or without the shell. They're extremely rich in fiber (which can support good digestion and heart health), as well as other beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Many people like to roast them at Halloween time and have them as a snack and I think most eat the whole seed which can be a bit tough to chew. 

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